The Soul sync podcast

Ever wondered about what your purpose is on this planet? 

In the pursuit of success and achievement, have you sensed a void that transcends material wealth and accolades?

Do you find yourself questioning the conventional paths to happiness and success?

Are you curious about the unseen forces that may be shaping your life's journey?

What if your life experiences were not just random events but pieces of a puzzle guiding you toward a greater understanding of yourself?

These are some of the questions that sparked my own quest, propelling me on a mission to unravel the mysteries of my soul's journey and the universe more widely.

Welcome to 'Soul Sync,' where I, Jason Paul, a psychic medium and your host, embark on a transformative journey alongside you. My journey is far from conventional - from overcoming humble beginnings to navigating through the shadows of domestic abuse and addiction. I then through sheer resilience managed to build a multimillion-pound national business from the ground up, all from that of my savings. I thought all that I had achieved would make me feel happy and fulfilled, yet, even in the face of success, there was a gnawing sense that something vital was missing. What was missing became clear during a profound spiritual awakening two years ago. It wasn't an easy realisation, but it marked the beginning of a quest for a more meaningful existence

This podcast is our vessel to embark on a collective quest for understanding and personal growth. 

In 'Soul Sync,' we'll discuss not only mediumship and the spirit world, spirituality, energy, the law of attraction, but also how our individual stories connect us to the greater universe. I'll share personal anecdotes, experiences, and hard-earned lessons, providing a roadmap for embracing challenges and finding purpose. 

Additionally, the show will feature enlightening interviews with world leaders across various fields, sharing insights on mediumship, spirituality, personal development, and aligning one's soul with life's true purpose.

Join me on this immersive journey of mediumship, spiritual dimensions, and the intricate threads weaving our universe together. We will synchronise our souls and explore the profound mysteries of existence, drawing inspiration from both shared experiences and the diverse stories that shape our lives

If you have any suggestions for future episodes, topic ideas, guest suggestions, you might have an interesting story to share with our audience, or perhaps you might like to be a guest - Jason would love to hear from you, get in touch at -

Listen to the latest Soul Sync podcast episodes here